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Заглавие документа: Philosophy of literature. A comprehensive anthropological analysis of a literary work : textbook for students / A. N. Andreyev ; translated by M. Ragachewskaya ; BSU, Faculty of Philology, Department of Theory of Literature. – Электрон. текстовые дан. – Mинск : БГУ, 2015. – 138 p. – Библиогр. в конце ст.
Авторы: Andreyev, Anatoliy Nikolaevich
Тема: ЭБ БГУ::ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ::Литература. Литературоведение. Устное народное творчество
Дата публикации: 19-янв-2016
Аннотация: This guidebook is dedicated to the key features of literary fiction. It is unique in both its concept and structure. All theoretical literary problems are treated from the viewpoint of philosophical aesthetics to be further translated into the issues of the philosophy of literature. The author emphasizes the anthropological nature of literary studies and sheds a new light on a number of cornerstone problems of literary theory: cohesiveness, artistry, imagery and multilevelness of a literary work; the problems of the literature types, genres and styles are analyzed with the use of an unconventional approach. The guidebook discusses important issues that have not been properly addressed by literary studies: the matters of psychologism in literature, the national specifics of literature, the criteria of artistry; and finally, the artistic mode category. They all get a novel interpretation, which brings forth such new concepts, as persona-centric valency, persona-centrism, sociocentrism, etc. A theoretical foundation is provided for the methodology of a comprehensive analysis of fiction. The guidebook is designed for professors and students of philology. It is also a valuable resource for students of the humanities, as well as for anyone interested in literary studies.
URI документа: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/134139
Регистрационный номер: Деп. в БГУ 21.09.2015, №004421092015
Располагается в коллекциях:Научная литература. 2015
Кафедра теоретического и славянского литературоведения (учебные пособия)

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