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Title: Ультрадисперсные оксиды как носители активности полупроводниковых газовых сенсоров
Authors: Ивановская, Мария Ивановна
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: Мінск : БДУ
Citation: Выбраныя навуковыя працы Беларускага Дзяржаўнага універсітэта : У 7 т. Т. 5 : Хімія / Рэдкал.: В. В. Свірыдаў (адказ. рэд.) і інш. - Мінск, 2001. - с.242-254
Abstract: The experimental results of gas sensitivity of ultra dispersed metal oxides with semiconductor properties have been summarized. The interaction mechanism of oxides surface with gases of different chemical nature (CO, N02, O3, C2H5OH) was discussed. The oxides electroconductivity changes was caused by gas-surface contact . Based on determined differences, we are selected the primary ways of the gas sensitivity control of oxides materials on different gases.
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/106031
ISBN: 985-445-534-3 (Т. 5)
Appears in Collections:Избранные научные труды Белорусского государственного университета. Химия

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