Browsing by Author Rusakov, K. I.
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2000 | Directivity of electric discharges in semiconductor lasers | Rusakov, K. I.; Parashuck, V. V. |
| 2013 | Microresonators with Whispering Gallery Modes | Rusakov, K. I.; Gladyshchuk, A. A.; Rusakova, Z. V.; Chugunov, S. V.; Rakovich, Yu. P.; Savateeva, D. I.; Melnikau, D. G. |
| 2008 | Mode splitting in a spherical microcavity under radiation pressure | Rusakov, K. I.; Gladyshchuk, A. A.; Donegan, J. F.; Chugunov, S. V.; Gerlach, M.; Rakovich, Y. P. |
| 2008 | Mode splitting in a spherical microcavity under radiation pressure | Rusakov, K. I.; Gladyshchuk, A. A.; Chugunov, S. V.; Rakovich, Y. P.; Gerlach, M.; Donegan, J. F. |
| 12-Feb-2010 | Modeling of photonic nanojet in spherical microcavities | Rusakov, K. I.; Gladyshchuk, A. A.; McCloskey, D.; Donegan, J. F.; Rakovich, Y. P. |
| 2006 | Whispering gallery mode emission from aluminosilicate microtube cavity | Rakovich, Y. P.; Rusakov, K. I.; Gladyshchuk, A. A.; Chugunov, S. V.; Donegan, J. F.; Balakrishnan, S.; Gunko, Y.; Perova, T.; Moore, A. |
| 2006 | Whispering gallery mode emission from aluminosilicate microtube cavity | Rakovich, Y. P.; Rusakov, K. I.; Gladyshchuk, A. A.; Chugunov, S. V.; Donegan, J. F.; Balakrishnan, S.; Gunko, Y.; Perova, T.; Moore, A. |