Browsing by Author Mel’nikov, D. G.
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2008 | Generation of singlet oxygen by indotricarbocyanine dyes in low-polarity media | Samtsov, M. P.; Voropai, E. S.; Kaplevskii, K. N.; Mel’nikov, D. G. |
| 2007 | Optical properties of new indotricarbocyanine dye as a limiter of laser radiation power | Svetlichnyi, V. A.; Samtsov, M. P.; Bazyl’, O. K.; Smirnov, O. V.; Mel’nikov, D. G.; Lugovskii, A. P. |
| 2010 | Spectral luminescence properties of indotricarbocyanine dye in biological tissues | Samtsov, M. P.; Voropai, E. S.; Mel’nikov, D. G.; Lyashenko, L. S.; Lugovskii, A. A.; Istomin, Yu. P. |