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dc.contributor.authorZalessky, Boris-
dc.description.abstractFor nine years the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus has been carrying out organizational, practical and informational work on the implementation of the cluster model of development in the practice of management and management. The 2025 Programme envisages the formation of 13 clusters in the regions and Minsk: three clusters in the capital and the Vitebsk region; two clusters each in the Brest and Mogilev regions; one cluster each in the Gomel, Grodno and Minsk regions. And in Belarus there is the potential for the creation and development of more than 30 clusters: 8 existing, 6 emerging and 18 potential cluster initiatives. In particular, there are already functioning clusters in the field of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, instrumentation and electrical engineering, IT. And in the future - projects for the implementation of smart manufacturing technology, in mechanical engineering, woodworking and furniture production, as well as in construction and agro-ecotourism. There is already an interesting experience of the cluster model, which ensures mutually beneficial integration of science, education, and production business, which gives a synergetic effect for the country as a whole, in the Vitebsk region. How is this task solved in practice? This is discussed in the materials of the proposed study.ru
dc.publisherLAP LAMBERT Academic Publishingru
dc.subjectЭБ БГУ::ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ::Массовая коммуникация. Журналистика. Средства массовой информацииru
dc.titleInvestments, clusters, exports : Collection of articles / Boris Zalesskyru
dc.typecollected articlesru
dc.rights.licenseCC BY 4.0ru
Располагается в коллекциях:Кафедра международной журналистики

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