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2021Students' digital media literacy : master’s thesis / Shao Hongquan; BSU, Faculty of philosophy and social sciences, Department of Social Communication; Scientific adviser: Ekadumova I. I.Shao Hongquan; Шао Хунцюань
2021Продвижение культурно-образовательных проектов КНР в белорусском интернет-сегменте : магистерская диссертация / Чжан Бовэнь; БГУ, факультет философии и социальных наук, кафедра социальной коммуникации; науч. рук. Ефимова Н. В.Чжан Бовэнь
2022Intercultural communications in the higher education system: a comparative analysis of Belarus and China : master’s thesis / Guo Shunfa; BSU, Faculty of philosophy and social sciences, Department of Social Communication; Scientific adviser - Lebedeva E. V.Guo Shunfa
2022Video Clips as a New Media Application in K-12 Communicative Processes (on The Example of English Learning on Chinese High Schools) : master’s thesis / Wang Zhenqian; BSU, Faculty of philosophy and social sciences, Department of Social Communication; Scientific adviser - Guliuk M. A.Wang Zhenqian
2022Cross-cultural communications in education as a factor for multicultural literacy : master’s thesis / Zhang Zixiao; BSU, Faculty of philosophy and social sciences, Department of Social Communication; Scientific adviser - Lebedeva E. V.Zhang Zixiao
2022Digital citizenship education in China and Belarus : master’s thesis / Zhu Lisha; BSU, Faculty of philosophy and social sciences, Department of Social Communication; Scientific adviser - Ekadumova I. I.Zhu Lisha